Improvement Projects
Georgetown Energy Partners is modernizing the university’s energy and water infrastructure – contributing to more reliable, efficient and sustainable operations. Below are a few feature projects around campus. Check back here often as new initiatives are added.

Healy Lawn Utility Enhancement Project
At the historic center of campus, Georgetown Energy Partners is replacing more than a mile of aging pipes and installing infrastructure for a more sustainable campus heating network.
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Lighting Upgrade
Almost every existing light on the Hilltop and Capitol campuses – more than 70,000 fixtures – is being upgraded to energy efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which use half the energy of standard fluorescent lights and provide better lighting. This upgrade is estimated to reduce the university’s carbon footprint by over 1,700 tons of CO2 annually.

Building Energy System Optimization (BESO) Program
The BESO Program is a campus-wide initiative to upgrade heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment in facilities. The efforts typically permit better control of building temperature (cooling/heating), airflow, and efficient operation of major energy-using equipment. Heat recovery chillers will facilitate a dramatic reduction in natural gas usage attributable to each building.

Underground Infrastructure Replacement
As part of our ongoing efforts to modernize our campus energy systems, Georgetown Energy Partners will replace critical underground infrastructure supporting Georgetown’s central heating and cooling plant along West Road this fall.

Campus Steam System Repairs & Enhancements
Steam is piped around campus at a very high temperature and is slightly corrosive. Over time, the distribution system requires repairs to prevent leaks and deterioration of surrounding infrastructure. To address this, manholes are being repaired, condensate receiver pumps are being replaced, and steam traps are being enhanced.

Smart-Metering Installation
What gets metered gets measured and what gets measured gets managed. The installation of real-time meters for energy and water consumption in campus buildings will allow Georgetown to better analyze and assess its usage and reduction targets. The meters will also facilitate a publicly available dashboard to track Georgetown’s progress to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and foster smart use of energy in residence halls and academic buildings.

Cooper Field Utility Enhancements
The steam-line infrastructure under and near Cooper Field was nearing the end of its life. Modernizing the steam lines has reduced leakage and improved energy efficiency. The new field is composed of innovative materials, including pads that make the field safer for the athletes.